Sort the results in descending order, and start analyzing the query that has the highest value. 按照降序对结果进行排序,并开始分析具有最高值的查询。
For example, there is no need for sort ascending and descending if users never access the view; all it does is add to the size. 例如,如果用户从不访问视图,则无需对其按升序或降序排序;它所做的只是增加了视图的大小。
Depending on the sort order that you need, the code that you write for this bean specifies whether that column should be sorted in ascending or descending order or not sorted. 对于您所需要的排序顺序,您为这个bean所编写的代码要么可以以升序或降序的方式排序,要么不能排序。
The default is to sort in ascending order (+), but you can also specify descending order (-). 默认值为以升序的方式进行排序(+),但您也可以指定以降序的方式进行排序(-)。
Its basic idea is to sort the software features and failure modes in descending order, from the most important or riskiest to the nice-to-have features and simple risks ( one of the tools to do this is FMEA: failure modes and effects analysis). 它的基本理念是按降序对软件功能和失败模式排序,从最重要或风险最高到值得拥有的功能和简单的风险(一个类似工具是FMEA:失败模式和影响分析)。
D indicates the direction of the sort ( ascending or descending) d表示排序的方向(升序或降序)
Click a column heading to sort the table in ascending or descending order. 单击一个列标题可以按升序或降序对表进行排序。
You can sort the table on any of the columns in ascending or descending order. 这个表格可以按任何列的升序或降序排序。
This implementation allows the user to specify the sort order and direction ( ascending or descending) as parameters for the report. 这种实现允许用户指定排序的顺序和方向(升序或降序)作为报告的参数。
Sort your hash ( in descending order), and emit it as output. (按降序)排列您的散列表,然后将其作为输出发送出去。
You will be able to sort items in an album by rating ( both ascending and descending) if you wish to. 你能够通过评分(同时包括升序和降序)来对某相册中的项目进行分类排序。
By explicitly including the message identity property in the sort order, you can specify that the results display the message identity sorted in descending order. 通过按排序顺序显式包括邮件标识属性,可以指定结果显示按降序排序的邮件标识。
You can sort data that is displayed in natural or custom order in ascending or descending order. 可以按升序或降序对以自然顺序或自定义顺序显示的数据进行排序。
As a shortcut for sorting the list containing the selected cells in descending order, click the Sort Descending button. 如果要将选定单元格所在的数据清单中的内容依递减次序排列,请单击降序按钮。
{ The Outline Code field cannot use a descending sort order.} Change the sort order from descending to ascending, and then click OK. {大纲代码域不能按降序排序。}请将排序顺序由降序改为升序,然后单击确定。
To sort records in descending order, click the label again. 若要使记录按照降序排序,请再次单击该标签。
You can sort records by up to four fields, in either ascending or descending order. 最多可以按四个字段对记录进行排序,既可以升序,也可以降序。
At last, you should sort the13 cards in descending order by suit. 最后,你要什么13卡的顺序排列的西装。
To toggle the sort order between ascending and descending order, click the column heading. 若要在升序和降序之间切换排序顺序,请单击列标题。
To sort dates, numbers, and other text in ascending or descending order, click Sort Text on the Table menu. 如果要按升序或降序对日期、数字和其他文字进行排序,可单击表格菜单中的排序命令。
For example, in the all files report, you can sort by type to group all the GIF files, or you can sort by size in either ascending or descending size. 例如,在“所有文件”报表中,可以按“类型”排序,将所有的gif文件组合在一起;或者按“大小”排序,以文件尺寸的递增或递减顺序排序。
Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. 单击升序排序或降序排序。
The sort descending by priority on need hierarchy with expectation is The Basic Needs, The Need for Self-Actualization and Growth, The Esteem Needs, The Love and Communication Needs, The Work-Oriented needs. 依据期望程度由大到小排列分别为基本需要、成长与自我实现需要、受尊重需要、归属与沟通需要、工作本身需要;
The steps of software development are: at first, link the database and auto-count the volume and the density of each encasement then sort descending the encasement according to the density. 软件的实现步骤为:首先连接数据库并据密度贪婪算法自动计算每件货物的体积、密度,然后将货物记录按密度降序排序。
However, for fluoranthene extraction, this sort of descending impact was temperature, pressure, moisture, co-solvent quantity. 对于荧蒽的的影响由大到小依次为温度,压力,土壤含水量,共溶剂用量。
AMOS path coefficient by the standard sort of analysis, the key factors affecting revenue in descending order of environmental factors, commodity factors, human factors and other factors. 通过AMOS标准路径系数的排序分析可知,影响营业收入因素的关键性从大到小依次为环境因素、商品因素、人为因素及其他因素。